Do You have a Goal?

Do You have a Goal?

Having a goal in life is so important. Living without a goal is ignoring the purpose that you have in life.

We all have a purpose and when you aim for goals to achieve your purpose it gives you the foundation for motivation and gives you the will to wake up each morning and strive for more.

Just existing does nothing for you and can lead to your brain not functioning at its optimum ability and therefore, cause more extreme bouts of brain fog and memory loss as you age due to not being used to its ability to get focussed. 

Having a goal is healthy and it keeps you moving forward in life and allows you to experience life a whole lot more. Life is not just the same thing every single day. It's a whole lot more than this and by aiming to achieve your purpose and setting goals to achieve, you are allowing yourself to be open to opportunities and try new things.

If you are someone who has no goals and doesn't choose to live out your true purpose, you are robbing yourself of a greater expansion of life and living a more fulfilled life. You are just existing instead of living.

I know it can be easy to give up and just 'go with what is'. But when you know there is more that you can do and experience and you have that desire to do it, it will take you to new heights and lift your spirit to living again.

So have a goal and set the intention to do something towards it right now. It doesn't have to be a big goal, maybe something basic. But something is better than nothing.

Don't waste the blessing of life. Make each day count and give yourself the best.

For support in achieving your goals and purpose contact me and book a free 30 min chat. Email